
Privacy Policy

We  takes its customer privacy seriously

For processing the transactions, the Exchange Zones accepts the User's personal data to be stored encrypted and treated as confidential information, without sharing with a third party, except for the cases in the stated in the paragraphs 3,4 and AML (Anti-Money Laundering Policy) of this Agreement.

1. All the transaction and personal data transfers between the Service and the Users are secured with 256-bit SSL encryption.

2. The Service reserves the right to search and collect additional information about the User, if necessary, without notice. All this information should remain confidential, shall not be transferred to a third party except for the cases stated in below Agreement.

3.The ExchangeZones reserve right to share the User's personal data and the detail of their transactions with the respective User or a law enforcement agency upon their request, by an order of court, or on the initiative of the Service, when a public investigation is needed.

4. The details of transactions, as well as the User's personal data, may be shared with a payment system on their request, if needed for internal investigations.

5. All the data concerning the User. as well as the details of their transactions, is to be stored in the database of the Service during 5(five) years from the moment the last Order was submitted by the User.

All information collected while order or registration used exclusively by Exchange zone only. Your privacy is important to us, which is why we will never trade or sell your personal information. We will collect your Personal Information such as your name, address, email address and mobile no etc. This information will never be given to paying advertisers nor anyone.

Any information obtained from our customers will not be used for marketing purposes (including distributing information to other companies with a purpose to let them introduce themselves and their products to our customers).

 Exchangezones will never provide or sell information obtained from and about our customers to third parties. A deliberate attempt to defraud us or our customers will be considered permission for us to provide information about fraudsters to legal authorities, law enforcement agencies, financial institutions, and other entities in order to prevent such individuals from further defrauding.

Important Note: Our privacy policy applies to legitimate customers only. Any customer attempting to defraud us or anybody else will therefore not be considered as a legitimate customer, and our Privacy policy does not apply to such individuals.

Any changes to this privacy policy will be immediately posted in this section of our website.

This privacy policy complies with domestic legislation regarding protection of personal information.

This policy also complies with international legislation and treaties regarding personal data protection (including Data Protection Act 1998).(


By using you must agree to the Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this privacy policy, please do not use our site. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, portion of this policy at any time without notification to our Customers. If any major updates take place, we will post in the news section or Inform members by email.

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